Almost every student having CPM in 12h class dreams of taking admission in anyone of reputed engineering colleges in India by cracking IIT JEE exams. The popularity of the JEE exams entices the students from across the country. A large number of students fill online form to appear in the exams. Some of them half heartedly join it for just having experience, and some others are serious study planners who look to cross the exams. They collect IIT JEE Study Material and make genuine effort to cross the exams.
They go for the physical coaching online institutes or join IIT JEE Online Test Series. They indulge in the preparation in all ways what they can think well. It is necessary to take the exams seriously for systematic study, but sometimes the seriousness about the result and overly indulgence in study make students victim of stress. That is why it is necessary to be fit physically and mentally. There are some tips which make you able to minimize stress and maximize learning capacity during the IIT JEE preparation and exams.
Remove the fear of bad result: Don’t stick to the thought what would be if the result will not be desirable. Thinking again and again like that creates stress and restlessness in mind. Just move this aside and concentrate on the daily work schedule.
Be positive: Don’t let the negativity hold your mind. Have trust on yourself and try your best on daily basis. Positivity will maintain your activeness and catching power.
Create Interest in your study: Don’t take your study as a burden. Just create interest in IIT JEE Study Material; it will take you with longer hours of study without stress and tiredness.
Take sound sleep: Whether you have long time to appear in the exams or you are going to take exams just the next day, don’t cut your sleeping hours down. And also remember, going to bed with burden of the study and fear of the bed result will not let you get sound sleep, so go to bed with light mind.
Meditation: Meditation is one of the best ways which you can adopt to relax your brain. Draw only fifteen minutes time duration for your meditation. You will make your mind fresh with proper blood circulation.
Mild exercise: Along with the meditation, you can also take a regular mild exercise. But don’t be hard-pressed gymnastic. Daily mild exercise maintains good blood circulation which takes oxygen to your brain cells and makes them function well.
A balanced diet: The toughest exam- IIT JEE needs a fresh and active mind. So you need to keep your mind fresh and active- means completely healthy. You know healthy mind lives in the healthy body. So it is necessary to take healthy food to keep your body as well as your mind fit, active and healthy. You should refrain from extra use of sugar and caffeine products; you should instead take snacking diet. Dry fruits, fresh vegetable and fruits and milk are the best food ingredients in your diet.
Balanced diet and sound sleep are two of the most important point that this list has. Thumbs up!!