By the term ‘e-learning’ we mean the usage of electronic media as well as information and communication technologies or ICT in the field of education. E-learning includes all kinds of educational technology in teaching and learning as well. Further, it incorporates TEL or technology-enhanced learning, multimedia learning, CBT or computer-based training, CBI or computer-based instruction, WBT or web-based training, and many more. All these names listed above denote a particular delivery method or feature or component.
Different types of media which generate audio, animation, streaming videos, etc. are encompassed in e-learning. E-learning can happen inside or outside the classroom and can be either synchronous or asynchronous learning.
Synchronous learning involves an instructor while asynchronous learning is independent or self-paced. In asynchronous learning, technologies like wikis, email, blogs, discussion boards, etc. are widely used. It offers a flexible timeframe and is very convenient for students who have difficulty in attending regular classes. Synchronous learning includes the transfer of information and ideas with a number of participants at the same time.
E-learning is quite suitable for flexible or distance learning, and can be used in combination with face-to-face teaching. When this happens, it is known as blended learning. It is also referred to as hybrid learning. Here the time consumed in a traditional classroom can be considerably reduced if not eliminated by means of online learning.
In short, e-learning involves a combination of different technologies.